Moving inventory with Google Shopping Ads? Defend your margins from click fraud
Google Shopping Ads are the single biggest growth opportunity for online retailers.
Why would you let click fraud ruin that?
The undeniable rewards of Google Shopping Ads
Out of every 3 clicks on a Google Ad, 2 of them are on a Google Shopping Ad. And unbelievably, Google Shopping Ads are still growing.
Google’s decision to launch its own eCommerce function, right there at the very top of the results page on the world’s most popular search engine, changed the face of PPC.
With free listings and paid ads offering online shoppers the widest possible choice, it’s clear that Google’s Shopping tab is now the number 1 destination.
But to really harness the power of Google Shopping Ads, there are a few things you need to get right.
How to optimize
Google Shopping Ads
How ClickGUARD defends your Google Shopping Ads
Click fraud? Blocked for good.
Our automated click fraud prevention system monitors the traffic on your ads, analyzing and excluding suspicious visitors with our advanced threat analysis tools.

Invalid traffic?
Driven away.
Whether it’s criminal or accidental, it’s still going to blow your budget. Identify what you don’t need, and optimize for genuine customers instead.
Bots? Access denied.
ClickGUARD’s Bot Probability Assessment measures a wide range of behavior and non-behavior-based criteria, and provides transparent, filterable data allowing you to separate your human and non-human visitors.
And insights and performance data?
Just the way you want it.
Get a full account overview or a keyword performance report instantly. Share your clear and effective ClickGUARD reports with those who need to know.