There’s a whole lot of diversity on online marketing platforms, such as Adwords, and Bing. In fact, just about every conceivable (and legal) industry, product, or service is advertised on there. It’s also no secret that there is a lot of competition on the platform.
Obviously, some professions enjoy an existence that is relatively free of companies who offer the same service from treading on their toes. A company who restore World World II military vehicles, for example, will probably be pleased to see that competition is not so high for their particular niche. Elsewhere, however, this is not the case. Within certain industries, especially those with huge profit margins, companies are willing to spend top dollar on getting their name out there.
Competition for customers has driven these usually high priced services to bid some seemingly insane amounts for a humble click. Clearly, these companies stand to make A LOT for every successful conversion.
Let’s have a look at the prices of the top ten keywords for Google AdWords.
AdWords: Most Expensive Keywords
- Insurance – $54.91
- Gas/Electricity – $54.62
- Mortgage – $47.12
- Attorney – $47.07
- Claim – $45.51
- Loans – $44.28
- Lawyer – $42.51
- Conference call – $42.05
- Recovery – $42.03
- Donate – $42.02
No real surprises here then. We can see a top three comprising of pretty general words relating to high priced financial, or contractual (or both) products. “Insurance” tops the bill at a whopping $54.91 a click, with “Gas and Electricity” next, followed closely by “Mortgage”. Further down, mentions of “Lawyer”, “Loans”, “Claim”, and “Attorney” are also understandable. Think about how much it costs a lawyer to even send a letter on your behalf, these guys have serious money to play with.
Now let’s take a look at Bing Ads too.
Bing Ads: Most Expensive Keywords
- Lawyers – $109.21
- Attorney – $101.77
- Structured settlements – $78.39
- DUI – $69.56
- Mesothelioma – $68.95
- Treatment – $67.46
- Annuity – $67.31
- MBA – $62.78
- Phone – $53.94
- Insurance – $53.14
Again, a look at Bing’s highest priced keywords yields similar results. We see words relating to the legal profession in abundance and some other high priced services.
There are of course, hundreds of thousands of keyword combinations, and these are literally just the highest priced ones. Even if you’re in the legal profession, you won’t necessarily have to pay over $50 per click on your advert. We’ve just put them here as a bit of fun.
It’s often difficult to lose sight of what is truly possible through the use of advertising management software. When we’re working furiously on our $0.03 per click campaign, it’s nice to know that you too are using the same platform that people charging $50 for a single click on an ad are also using. Clearly, the ROI must be pretty juicy for these companies right at the top of our AdWords and Bing Ads top tens.